Mistakes = Money


Avoiding Blunders

added Apr 3rd, 2012

More often than not, we overlook our mistakes until someone points out that we’ve made them. Mistakes cost us money, time and unnecessary labor. It’s even worse though, when that mistake is broadcast for all to see.

Take for example the 2012 NCAA Final Four in New Orleans. On the courtside sideboard, the NCAA took advantage of the most expensive forms of advertising. Not only can game attendees see the banner ad for the 2013 NCAA Final Four, spectators at home view it as well. Problem was, there was a glaring typo when the city was spelled “Alanta”.

In this case, all that cost the NCAA was a giggle among spectators. For us, we can’t afford to make mistakes easily avoided by simple tasks such as proofreading. Luckily for the NCAA, Alanta isn’t a major city in the US.


Frank Anderson

Written by Frank Anderson