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Managing Staff With Competing Priorities Within the Same Supply Chain

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Managing a warehouse and all that comes with this can be a tough task with many moving parts. While everyone might be on the same supply chain, if there are competing roles and priorities, it can be hard to keep everyone motivated and all positions running smoothly. Packaging and manufacturing companies need to keep their shipping and warehouse needs a priority, and this starts with motivating staff. Here are three ways to motivate your staff to keep your supply chain moving efficiently.

1. Clear Expectations of Staff and the Bottom Line

As a manager, keeping the big picture in mind is important. Supply chains need all parts to be taken into consideration in order to work well. This will get rid of egos and help staff and contractors alike work harder on the same team. Keep teams working well together by checking in and ensuring that their aren’t any disconnects when it comes to the priorities of your business.

2. Incorporating Ongoing Staff Recognition

In any business, there will be those who go above and beyond. If you can be sure to keep an eye on your employee’s productivity as well as things they might do to go above and beyond, you can promote from within and keep those within your company happy. By keeping your top performers happy, this institutional knowledge will be a benefit in the long run and is a much better alternative to high staff turnover.

3. Keeping Updated With The Right Tools for the Job

While managing staff effectively might feel like a soft skill, a big part of keeping staff motivated is ensuring they have the right tools to do their job effectively. Bringing in the right contractors, utilizing up-to-date technology, and going above and beyond when it comes to safety measures will all show your staff that you are engaged and care about their work environment. If your staff feel taken care of, they will be more motivated to work hard for your business.

If managers can have a larger game plan when it comes to motivating permanent staff and contract employees alike, business can run more smoothly overall. Warehouse teams and trucking contacts need to work well together and understand the big picture of your business overall. If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to your overall operational needs, contact us to optimize your warehouse and shipping productivity.

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