1 min read

Check Out The Big Brains On MIT

on the moon

Logistics rocket-powered future

added Nov 2nd, 2011

The future of logistics is currently being investigated and discussed by some actual rocket scientists. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has an ongoing project underway detailing what supply chain might look like as man begins to send people beck to the moon, to Mars and beyond.

While based on theories and practices fine-tuned in more terrestrial applications, the MIT project considers how people and supplies might be transported to the very farthest-flung of locales. The challenges include limited space, the expense of space travel and determining where the waypoints on the expected journeys might be. Particularly interesting is the already existing evolution of space logistics, from the relatively simple Apollo missions to the far more complex problems presented by the International Space Station. At RBW we’re well acquainted with the traditional trappings of logistics – trucks and trains and warehouse work – but we’re interested in seeing what the future holds. Check out the MIT Space Logistics Project site.


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