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Logistics Weekly

Four Pick & Pack Operation Tips

Delivery driver loading his van with boxes outside the warehouse-1.jpeg

The process of picking items from warehouse inventory, packing, and sending to customers seems very straightforward and relatively easy to do in theory. Needed is a constant supply of all inventory to send to customers. Once in the warehouse, orders are gathered, packaged and delivered. However, if not done properly and effectively, customers may receive incorrect, late, incomplete, or even damaged orders. The end result: loss of money, inventory, and future repeat customers.

We offer the following pick and pack operation tips to maximize both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Warehouse layout   For maximum efficiency, place best-selling or volume selling products at the front of the line, nearest packing stations. This simple idea saves time for those who pick and ultimately in getting the items out to the customer.

Kitting or bundling   Some products are naturally sold together as in shampoo and conditioner. Other products can be sold in multi-packs instead of singles. Pre-packaging these items is a time saver.

Organization of pick areas   Organization means pick products that are easy to access and visible to workers. Organization requires merchandise that is labeled, with sizes that are visible, and with a correct and visible SKU. Having to search around for products costs time and money.

Packaging  The right packaging for the product is essential and well-stocked packing stations are a must. Needed are appropriately sized packaging boxes, proper product wrappings, tape, envelopes, labels, etc. Wrong or insufficient packaging materials only causes delays.

Pick and pack is one step in the process of getting products to the customer, but one that needs to run smoothly and efficiently. At RBW Logistics we pride ourselves in showing you how to streamline the pick and pack process for your particular business. From packaging solutions to space utilization, to facility flow design and everything in between, we will effectively resolve any pick and pack issue you may have. Let our 60 years of proven results go to work for you.

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